Lumiere Medispa - Skin Health & Rejuvenation Clinic

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5 Ways To Improve Your Skin Health And Appearance

5 Ways To Improve Your Skin Health And Appearance

Get your Beauty Sleep

Studies have shown that people who suffer with chronic sleep deprivation are more likely to suffer with obesity, diabetes, and immune deficiency, however some studies also suggest it may lead to skin dysfunction and ageing of the skin. 

Medical New Today report that people classed as poor sleepers had increased signs of premature skin aging and a decreased ability for their skin to repair itself at night from environmental stressors such as sun exposure.

During deep sleep, your body enters repair mode and regenerates skin, muscles, and blood and brain cells. Without adequate sleep, your body is unable to produce new collagen. Collagen prevents your skin from sagging.

Improve your sleep by stopping all use of electronic devices at least an hour before you go to bed, and instead take up a relaxing activity such as reading or meditation to clear your mind.

Eat A Skin Healthy Diet

This isn't a diet in terms of loosing weight, but ensuring to include foods that will have a positive effect upon skin. These include:

  • Tomatoes - rich in lycopene that has skin cancer protective benefits
  • Olive oil - reduces cumulative damage to the skin that leads to lines and wrinkles
  • Cocoa Flavanols - found in dark chocolate
  • Mangoes - antioxidant and collagen protective benefits
  • Green and White Tea - Packed to the hilt with antioxidant benefits
  • Kale
  • Omega 3 - foods rich in omega three include oily fish, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
  • Vitamin C - antioxidant rich vitamin C foods include guavas, bell peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries,oranges, papayas, broccoli, tomatoes, snow peas, and kale

Keeps Stress And Acne At Bay

Stress in the body results in higher levels or cortisol, your natural hormone that is produced to help the body in sudden stress situation. However dealing with chronic stress results in generalised cortisol being produced in the body. Research has shown that teenagers who reported high stress levels, are 23% more likely to develop severe acne. This is thought to be as a result of increased sebum production triggered by cortisol hormone, which in turn leads to pore blockages and ultimately acne formation.

Try to reduce stress or your reactions in stressful situation through mindfulness activities or stress reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga or meditation. At Lumiere MediSpa in oxford, we can also provide further guidance and tailored acne skincare regimes or acne treatments to support your skin.

Stop Smoking

Its's not new, we already know SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH! And that includes your skin health too. With reduced oxygen and less nutrients being able to reach skin cells, including collagen, the skin simply fails to function healthily. Collagen and elastic fibers within the skin decrease and subsequent skin sagging and wrinkles form.

We are not saying it is easy, but you can improve your chances of successfully stopping smoking for good with the help of a smoking cessation support group such as provided by the NHS. Visit for help.

And finally, of course...

Avoid Sun Exposure and Wear A daily broad spectrum SPF of 30+

Both UVA and UVB can not only cause skin health issues such as skin cancer, but also ages the skin such as breaking down collagen and elastin, causing uneven pigmentation through radioactive sun injury. Its never too late to start wearing a sun protectant, but it is essential you choose a product that provides both UVA and UVB sun ray protection. Use it as your last layer of skincare after any serums or moisturisers and before make up application. Also don't forget that if you can see daylight, then it too can see you. Dont be fooled by thinking its raining or cloudy. UVA, which penetrates the skin deepest, passes through cloud and glass. But won't it be too greasy on my skin? I hear you say. We provide an range of SPF protection, and will provide samples to try first. The best sunscreen is one that you will actually wear, which is why AlumiereMD provide many options for different skin types and colours.

Take a look at this picture of a truck driver who did not wear sun protection and was a truck driver all his life. UVA was still able to penetrate through glass and cause serious sun damage. The picture speaks a thousand words of warning about sun exposure and skin health.

Unilateral UV Sun Damage 

Skin Treatments In Oxfordshire At Lumiere MediSpa

At Lumiere MediSpa not only do we give the advice and help you may need to keep a healthy skin, but we can recommend skin treatments that may help reduce the appearance of a previous unhealthy skin, that has laid its mark upon you. Guided by experienced aesthetic Nurse practitioner, Adrian Baker, you may be recommended treatments such as Hyaluronic dermal fillers can lift out sagging skin and hydrate. Botox treatment for skin that is creasing easily in the presence of muscle contraction such crows feet treatments or frown treatments. Or perhaps all you need is a skin health skin care routine? No problem. With AlumiereMD medical grade skincare at our Oxfordshire clinic, we can tailor a regime to support your new skin health lifestyle.

Why not book a free of charge skin consultation at Lumiere MediSpa in Headington, Oxford, and find out what treatments could help support your new skin health appearance.