Hi there, it’s Adrian here at Lumiere Medispa.
As one of the Aesthetic Nurse Practitioners who delivers our dermal filler treatments at Lumiere Medispa, I thought it would be a good idea to bust some myths and explain the facts of dermal filler treatments. Most patients looking to slow down or rejuvenate the signs of ageing are suitable for dermal fillers, yet I am often met with a look of trepidation when I advise them as a solution. It’s not really surprising, given some of the bad examples walking around and the misinformation that is out there in the media.
In this journal post, I would like to address the real concerns that my patients have had in the past, all of whom have then gone on to have successful, natural-looking, dermal filler treatments from us.
Myths & Facts of Dermal Filler
Myth #1
I’ve heard it’s really painful to get dermal fillers.
Fact #1
False. Most patients comment that the treatment is only mildly uncomfortable. We take additional steps, such as using topical or integrated lidocaine (a local anaesthetic), allowing you to remain comfortable throughout the treatment. We also make every effort to provide a relaxing clinic experience, helping to reduce any anxiety. Fine needles are used to inject small amounts of dermal filler into the specific areas discussed in your consultation. In some circumstances, we may use a cannula instead of a needle which can help decrease pain, bruising and overall safety. Of course, there will always be particular areas that will be more uncomfortable than others, such as the lips, but we will do everything we can to make each experience as comfortable as possible.
Myth #2
Dermal fillers make you look odd with a puffed-up face and lips.
Fact #2
It is true, that dermal fillers can do this when being administered by unsafe, unregulated hands or the practitioner is after profit rather than trying to achieve a natural well-proportioned result.
However, When the right high-quality dermal fillers, such as Aliaxin, are administered by experienced medical professionals, you absolutely can achieve rejuvenation without looking like you've had anything at all.
So how do we do this at Lumiere Medispa? We use a whole-face anatomical approach - meaning we assess your whole face and the changes at various tissue depths, including bone, fat, and skin. Having this detail of assessment means we can then choose from a variety of dermal fillers that possess different qualities for different depths or tissue types. It also means that we are not just rejuvenating a section of the face, but are instead creating a harmonious balance in the face and a beautiful result that doesn't look out of place or overfilled.
Myth #3
Dermal Fillers are entirely safe.
Fact #3
False. All treatments carry risks. The secret is to limit risk. Hyaluronic acid dermal filler treatments can have side effects ranging from bruising to blindness and can have devastating effects when delivered by inexperienced or unqualified practitioners.
However, you limit this risk and make the procedure drastically safer when choosing an experienced medically qualified practitioner, who also has the ability to prescribe. Should the worst happen and you have been injected incorrectly or experience a side effect, an unqualified practitioner cannot give you the remedial medications required to rectify any issues. You would be left to the NHS, with medics unlikely to be experienced at treating dermal filler complications.
So think along the lines of how you limit risk when you cross a road - Choosing an experienced, medically qualified practitioner, who can prescribe, is like looking and listening for traffic before stepping out. It doesn't eliminate the chance of being hit by a car, but it drastically reduces the risk. Plus even if you did - you would have an ambulance standing next to you.
Myth #4
If I stop having fillers, I will look worse than I did before.
False, thankfully! However, you should bear in mind that if you have maintained your appearance with dermal fillers, looking refined and refreshed for 10 years and then suddenly stop, you will gradually lose the effects. Because you will be 10 years older, your ageing appearance will start to look 10 years older than when you started. Dermal fillers themselves do not make you look worse or older. They simply pause time for a while and soften the appearance of ageing whilst having them.
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers don’t last long, therefore a facelift is better.
Not true. Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months and sometimes longer in many cases. The longevity of a product depends on the quality of the product used as well as the individual’s response and treatment area. A healthy person can expect dermal fillers to last longer than someone who smokes and exposes their skin to excessive sunlight.
Another reason that dermal filler could be better than surgery is that your treatment plan can change and adapt as you age, meaning you can achieve an ongoing natural positive-ageing appearance, that doesn’t leave you looking like you’ve been through a wind tunnel (permanently).
I won’t see the results instantly
False. Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers give both immediate results and accumulative results. As dermal fillers are contained in a gel, this is placed within the tissues of the skin and physically lifts up these tissues. Over time, the HA will improve the skin quality and hydration, softening the features and giving the skin a more hydrated look.
It’s cheaper to have dermal filler with my beautician and my Botox with you.
False. Have you ever heard the phrase pay cheap, pay twice? This is most definitely the case here.
In my opinion, having dermal fillers from a beautician is a big no. Unfortunately, the purchase and use of dermal fillers are not regulated. A person can go on one course and then be let loose on the general public, having very limited knowledge of facial anatomy and physiology and no understanding or ability to correct any problems. The risks of dermal fillers in the right hands are minimal, but in the wrong hands can be catastrophic.
If you are looking to save, maintain your dermal fillers regularly with our Dermal Filler Monthly Subscription Membership. This is the most cost-effective way to keep the results you have achieved and save from £500 a year vs paying as you go..
Myth #8
It takes a long time to have dermal fillers.
False. It doesn't take very long at all but these things shouldn’t be rushed. I recommend an hour to complete the treatment, following a consultation and review of a patient's medical background.
I hope this helps explain away some of the myths surrounding dermal fillers. I genuinely feel that the more informed you are the less scary this treatment option is. In the right hands, this is a treatment that really does give amazing, safe, and natural-looking results. We find all too often patients who have had dermal fillers in the past elsewhere, have not been fully informed in regards to what the treatment entails. This is why I always recommend a consultation, even if you have had dermal fillers before, elsewhere.
Being competent to administer Dermal Fillers takes years of experience and training to ensure that a practitioner understands the construct of dermal fillers and what they are doing to the physicality of the face. It is also vital that your practitioner has an in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the face to understand what is lying beneath the skin to minimise the risk of injecting in the wrong area. Every practitioner should take their time completing the treatment in order to continue to assess the results and reassure the patient.
If you would like to learn more about how dermal fillers can help you with positive ageing, click the button below to book a consultation.
I’ve put together some amazing dermal filler before and after pictures of some of our very own patients, showing what can be achieved with dermal fillers. And a short demonstration video of dermal filler administration.
Adrian Baker demonstrates the administration of dermal fillers