COVID-19 Risk Acknowledgement
Please take a moment to fully read this Covid-19 Risk Acknowledgement Information. We always like patients to be fully informed before they attend an appointment at Lumiere MediSpa. This information should be read in conjunction with our Covid-19 Patient Policy.
A link to the Covid-19 Patient policy will be emailed to you when you book an appointment with us.
Consent Process
The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the unpredictable nature of infections but in particular we woudl like to draw your attention to some unpredictable elements of Covid-19 in relation to medical aesthetic treatments. We shall continue with our usual consent process and complete the individual treatment Consent forms per treatment, however we also ask that you read and understand the information below in addition to your usual treat consent forms and that you accept the risks described.
If you do not agree to any aspects of this information, please do not make any appointments and please cancel any existing appointments you have booked. It is with regret that we will not be able to accommodate you at the clinic during this time.
Covid-19 Risk In Relation To a Medical Aesthetic Treatment
You should understand that you are opting for an elective treatment that may not be essential but that you feel is necessary for your well-being.
You should understand that the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV2, which has caused the COVID-19 pandemic, was declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organisation. You should further understand that SARS-CoV-2 still exists, is extremely contagious and is spread by person-to-person contact. As a result, the UK Government and healthcare agencies have recommended national lockdowns in the past, tiered restrictions on activities, and social distancing, with the exception of necessary activities. This may occur again in the future, which could impact upon you and our ability to care for you.
You should recognise that Adrian Baker RN NIP, Director of Lumiere MediSpa Ltd, continues to monitor this situation and has put in place reasonable policies aimed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at Lumiere MediSpa. However, given the nature of the virus, you should understand that there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV2 by meeting with people in any environment or visiting areas with high traffic volumes. The wearing of appropriate face masks (PPE) has been debated medically and is still unclear if it provides benefit to reducing transmission.
You should understand that you increase the risk of getting Covid-19 by leaving your house for any reason, including attending an appointment at Lumiere MediSpa. If you become infected, you risk passing this on to those people you meet and live with, including those who are clinically extremely vulnerable and shielding. You should read and will be expected to agree to adhere to the COVID-19 Patient Policy every time you attend Lumiere MediSpa for an appointment.
Minimally invasive medical aesthetic treatments are low risk medical procedures with respect to SARS-CoV2 transmission, but are not risk free. You should understand, acknowledge, and assume responsibilities for these risks.
You should understand that, even if you have been tested for COVID-19 and received a negative test result, the tests in some cases may fail to detect the virus or you may have contracted COVID-19 after the test.
You should understand that you may not show any symptoms even after being infected with SARS-CoV2.
You should understand that possible exposure to SARS-CoV2 before/during/after your treatment may result in the following:
A positive COVID-19 diagnosis
The need to self-isolate (where mandated)
Additional tests
A loss of earnings
Feeling unwell
Hospitalisation that may require medical therapy
You should understand that if you are identified as being in contact with a symptomatic individual at Lumiere MediSpa, you may be become infected with Covid-19, become unwell, and or pass the virus on to other members of the public. You should understand that Lumiere MediSpa will not accept any liability for loss of earnings arising from Covid-19 illness and/or isolation as a result of this.
You should understand that COVID-19 may cause additional risks, some or many of which may not currently be known at this time, in addition to the risks described for the treatment itself.
You should also understand that COVID-19 and/or COVID-19 vaccinations may cause unknown interactions with treatments provided at Lumiere MediSpa in addition to the risks for the treatment itself. However, you should understand that this is not cause to refuse the covid-19 vaccine, should you be offered it.
You have the option to defer your treatment to a later date. However, should you choose not to defer, you should understand all the potential risks, including but not limited to the potential short-term and long-term complications related to COVID-19.
It is possible that you may become positive for Covid-19 before, during or after your treatment. It is also possible there will be further waves of infection that require the closing of the clinic. This may affect your follow up treatments, planned course of treatments or review appointments. Should that happen you will still be looked after, however we might not be able to see you in person, and any assessment, management and support can only be provided by telephone or video call, remotely. Corrective treatments will be delayed until any lock-down is released. If this risk is unacceptable you should NOT proceed with any treatment. No refunds or financial compensation can be offered for circumstances beyond our control. By booking a treatment you will be accepting these risks and terms.
The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons · The Royal College of Surgeons of England · 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields · London · WC2A 3PN · United Kingdom
Planning for the Resumption of Elective Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – BAAPS Guidance – Version 1, 18th May 2020
Adrian Baker RN NIP
Director/Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner
Lumiere MediSpa Ltd.
For further advice and information regarding the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic please see the public resources via the buttons below: