Introducing the next generation Non-Invasive Muscle building & Fat Reduction Treatment
We’ve all stood in front of the mirror and wished that all our hard work exercising and going to the gym would just shift those stubborn fat pockets and tone our abs, bum, thighs and arms. Lucky for us we live in a world full of technological advances that, combined with a healthy lifestyle, can help improve those stubborn areas. This journal focuses on what fat reduction and muscle building technologies are available and how they can help us lose fat and tone muscle to contour our bodies, making us more body confident. Firstly lets take a look at what our skin clinic in Oxford provides:
Lumiere MediSpa recently acquired the latest generation electro-magnetic body countouring device called the CMSlim™ Contour Master. The device is the only non-invasive fat reduction treatment in Oxfordshire that uses this advanced technology, which not only builds muscle strength and contours the body shape, but reduces fat for a more svelte and toned physique without any surgery or downtime. All this can be achieved in as little as a 30 minutes session without you even having to lift a finger. Of course exercise and a healthy lifestyle is always the most important componant of keeping ourselves trim, and the CMSlim™ Contour Master will work alongside this lifestyle for the best results. Lumiere Medispa’s Nurse practitioner, Adrian Baker, has received extensive training from UK manufacturer, Aesthetic Technology Ltd, and is on hand to discuss the benefits of this scientifically proven technology.
How The CMSlim™ Contour Master Works
How the CMSlim™ Contour Master builds muscle
Using electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen and tighten the abdominal, gluteal, biceps, triceps and thigh muscles through methods of contraction and stimulation (called supramaximal contractions) – The CMSlim™ Contour Master delivers tens of thousands of muscle contractions in a 30-minute session (obviously not physically possible during normal exercise).
The CMSlim™ Contour Master is a High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Trainer (HI-EMT) that has 2 treatment applicators which deliver 7 Tesla per applicator. Tesla is a unit of magnetic induction and measure of intensity. The paddles can be applied individually for smaller treatment areas or at the same time to stimulate opposing muscle groups simultaneously for faster results. When exposed to supramaximal contractions, the muscle responds with a deep remodelling of its inner structure, resulting in the growth of myofibrils (muscle hypertrophy) and creation of new protein strands and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia). Increased muscle density and volume lead to a better definition and muscle tone. HI-EMT uses a specific range of frequencies that force muscles to maintain a contracted state for several seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high-load conditions, muscle tissue must adapt. Studies indicate that one to two months after HI-EMT treatments, average muscle mass is increased by 18% and localised fat is reduced by 21%.
HI-EMT is unique as it works 100% of the muscle, 100% of the time.
THE CMSlim™ Contour Master Is a Fat Loss Treatment Too
The muscular contractions, created by the CMSlim™ Contour Master, trigger the release of free fatty acids, which break down localised fat deposits via cell apoptosis. High intensity repetition strengthens and increases muscle for improved definition, tone and endurance. The CMSlim™ Contour Master is very safe and offers superior treatment outcomes.
This non-invasive, non-contact technology causes 30,000 contractions to sculpt and shape the abdomen and buttocks, as well as thighs, calves and arms. Unique 7 Tesla, dual paddle application delivers the most advanced and intensive electromagnetic treatment available.
The CMSlim™
Get back to your life without any hassle
Convenient to fit in during your day
The Equivalent of up to 30’000 crunches - Squats in 30 minutes
Works on smaller muscle groups to provide definition and lose fat
May assist those who are overweight with poor core strength to attain quicker results and encourages physical activity and healthier lifestyle
Does the CMSlim™Contour Master hurt?
The Contour Master treatment is often described to feel like an intense workout.
What can the CMSlim™ Contour Master work on?
The CMSlim™ CONTOUR MASTER works to build muscle and reduce fat on the arms, calves, abs, thighs and buttocks.
How does the CMSlim™ Contour Master work?
The CMSlim™ Contour Master creates a unique electromagnetic field that penetrates the skin to build muscle tissue as well as reducing localised fat in each 30 minute session. Paddles are placed on the areas and strapped down with a comfortable band. The energy induces 30,000 supramaximal muscle contractions per session, something that can’t be achieved at the gym. All this happens while you are lying in the comfort of the clinic.
What BMI should I have for the CMSlim™ Contour Master?
Your BMI can be over 30 for this treatment
Who is the best candidate?
The best candidates for the CMSlim™ Contour Master are usually those with small to medium localised fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, rather than those seeking large-volume fat removal. For muscle building and toning treatment, just about anyone is a suitable candidate.
What is the aftercare?
Try and avoid working that muscle group out until 2 days after your last session! That’s it!
What are the benefits of CMSlim™ Contour Master ?
A comfortable non-invasive procedure with no recovery time, no anaesthesia and no needles required. It builds and strengthens your muscles and burns your fat meaning less time at the gym and faster results than working out alone. It is the world’s only non-invasive procedure to efficiently lift, fill and firm.
How many CMSlim™ Contour master treatments will I need?
A course of 4 to 6 treatments is generally recommended over an intensive 2 to 4 week period. Maintenance treatments are also advised for long lasting results.
What Other Body Contouring Technology Is There ?
Radiofrequency (RF) body contouring
This non-surgical treatment uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to reduce pockets of fat. The energy is emitted via an applicator through the skin without damaging the outer layers, only targeting the underlying fat and tissues.
With RF body contouring treatment, the heat generated from the RF energy dissolves fat cells and causes microscopic changes to tissues and collagen fibres, with further collagen remodelling occurring over the subsequent months following the procedure. The broken down fat cells are drained via the lymphatic system and then excreted as urine. This treatment can also improve skin tone and the look of cellulite.
The full effects may not be visible for several months as the improvements are cumulative. You will gradually notice changes such as circumferential reduction of the treated area, a reduction in cellulite and a more streamlined body shape. Radiofrequency body contouring treatments are non-invasive, cause minimal discomfort and typically require no downtime.
Laser body contouring
Non-invasive fat reduction using hyperthermic laser uses heat to destroy the fat cells.
It uses a specific laser wavelength to target and destroy fat cells below the dermis. Multiple areas can be treated at once, and all skin types are suitable. The controlled hyperthermic laser induces fat cell injury by raising fat temperature to a range of 42 to 47˚C – the ideal temperature to eliminate fat cells, without damage to surrounding tissue.
There is no downtime and minimal, if any, discomfort. Results can be seen around six weeks after treatment as the body naturally metabolises the destroyed fat. A series of treatments is typically recommended for optimum results.
Cryolipolysis body contouring
This method uses almost-freezing temperatures to kill fat cells without traumatising the surrounding tissues or harming the skin. A gel drape is placed onto the target area to protect the skin before the applicator head is placed onto the fat pocket. The applicator acts like a vacuum to suck the area into position and direct the cold temperature to the target fat cells under the skin, which are then destroyed and eliminated naturally by the body.
Patients experience a gradual cooling sensation, similar to placing the area in iced water, but this subsides as the body gets used to the change. Generally, at least two to three treatments are recommended. The results of cryolipolysis gradually appear over time, with full results seen at least a couple of months after.
Ultrasonic body contouring
Ultrasonic body contouring treatments use non-thermal targeted ultrasound frequencies to break down fat, particularly on the abdomen, hips, thighs and ‘love handles’.
The focused ultrasound waves are delivered in short bursts of energy, or pulses, to destroy fat cells while leaving surrounding tissue, nerves and blood vessels unaffected. The ultrasound waves create a cavitation effect in the target fat cells – a process where the fat cell membranes are damaged with each pulse of energy so that the contents of the fat cells (triglycerides) are dispersed and processed by the body. The fat cell contents are then flushed out by the body’s lymphatic system.
Generally, a series of treatments per area achieves noticeable, measurable results, although some patients note a circumferential reduction in the area after the first treatment. It can take around four weeks for the final result to be visible as the body gradually eliminates the fatty debris. The treatment is generally considered to be pain-free, with some patients experiencing slight discomfort related to the suction action.
“The CMSlim™CONTOUR MASTER body contour device at Lumiere Medispa offers outstanding results on both muscle building and fat loss – without any downtime in as little as a 30 minute session”.
*individual results may vary